Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy "91st" Birthday Great Grandma Cox

For Great Grandma's birthday we made her a list (with the help of lots of family members) of 91 things that reminded us of her!

1. Swimming in your pool
2. Marshmallows in the kitchen drawer
3. Great family record keeping
4. Birthday cards
5. Anniversary cards
6. Christmas cards
7. Life Stories
8. Telling stories
9. Always teaching
10. Toys in the hallway drawer
11. Playing in the chair cubbie closet.
12. Hand and Foot card games
13. Rock Collections
14. Missionary stories
15. Missionary souvenirs
16. Clean house
17. Lemon drops
18. Capital Reef vacations
19. Very organized person
20. Summer camping
21. Baking bread on Saturday
22. “Garrr Ray”
23. Canning fruit
24. Canning vegetables
25. Growing a beautiful garden.
26. Picking apples in the back yard
27. Climbing in the apple trees (when Grandma is not looking)
28. Family dinners on the back patio.
29. Murder mystery dinner.
30. Rummy-O games.
31. Beautiful flowers.
32. Rice cakes.
33. Nice camping trailers.
34. St. George for the winters
35. Your love of History.
36. Helping with homework.
37. Met-n-et
38. Utah Daughters of Pioneers
39. Farm stories.
40. Christmas Eve dinners
41. Playing out the Nativity on Christmas Eve.
42. The old Scout
43. New cars
44. Temple worker.
45. Running around the basement
46. Playing in the big basement room
47. Quilting
48. Epaminondas story.
49. Beautiful rose bushes
50. Pepper nuts
51. Keeping up with traditions
52. Histories of ancestors
53. Grandma’s canes
54. Always giving
55. Always a treasure for someone.
56. Community history
57. Community pride
58. Homemade root beer
59. Watching fireworks on front lawn
60. Reading stories
61. Identifying Wild flowers
62. Loves birds.
63. Picking asparagus on county lanes.
64. Telling us what the Meadow Lark says “Manti’s a pretty little town”
65. Looking for Kill Deer nests in cow foot prints.
66. Water aerobics
67. Pedigree charts
68. Family names
69. Family crest and what it stands for.
70. Family pride
71. Fish faces
72. Pretty stitching
73. Scenic drives in the mountains
74. Example of a healthy diet
75. Silver Hair
76. Perms
77. Flowers that “open and shut”
78. Stylish walker
79. Temple group trips
80. Pretty Alto voice
81. Listening to kids read books
82. Visiting with family
83. Tetherball on the patio
84. Favorite daughters and son
85. Missing LuAnn
86. Afraid to have babies at home
87. Big heart
88. Christmas pop-up candy canes
89. Personal letters to grandchildren on Christmas
90. Christmas stocking full of dried fruit
91. Appreciation letters from past students

1 comment:

Cox Clan said...

Happy Birthday grandma!! What a legacy.