Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You asked for it!!!

I am including the most recent picture of me. I've been trying to stay on the other side of the camera. With one more week to go, we're getting down to the end of our pregnancy! Hurray! It'll be a sacrifice but I'll do my best to say goodbye to leg cramps, middle of the night visits to the bathroom, contractions whenever I sit too long, the ever enlarging abdominal area and more! Mostly, it'll be hard not to hear "are you having twins?" or "wow, you look ready to pop!"
I look forward to holding our newest family member close to my heart and kissing his/her little nose. The wait is almost over...is it a boy? Is it a girl?


Olsens said...

I'm so excited to see HER to!!! If SHE is a girl.. Our families will be identical!!!

Melissa said...

I am so excited for you! I didn't realize you were so close! How wonderful it will be to have a surprise. Keep us posted.

Tukuafu's said...

Um, why don't you look that far along? YOu make it look good! Good luck with everything.. can't wait to see the new one!!

The super sweet life of Sammy said...

i am soo excited to see your little boy ( i read this after i found out you had our baby ) have you figured out a name yet? i hope you enjoy your new little angel.

The Cox Family said...

I am also super excited to meet little Adam. We haven't wanted to bring germs over... can you post a picture!?!