Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The boys have been finding more and more bugs around the yard. This is a reoccurring hobby that has been around from summer to summer! We've seen collections from potato bugs to caterpillar's and from crickets to grasshoppers! They've even helped Daddy destroy a Black Widow with her egg sack. They love to catch butterflies with the nets Grandma Valeen bought for them. But the part that mommy struggles with, is that they love their bugs so much that they often try to bring them in the house. The other day, Spencer came to show me his latest grasshopper catch and when he opened his hand the little jumper came right at me. I caught him running around the house later on trying to re-catch another one!!! Boys are full of exciting times.

I found a website full of fun hair do's for little girls so I've started experimenting on Ashley's hair. This one is called the lattice; it is one of my favorites! She loves ponytails. Everyday I ask her how she'd like her hair combed and she tells me, "pony!" We've compromised by having me decorate the top and bringing the ends into a ponytail. This way everyone is happy!!!

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