Thursday, October 9, 2008

Be Ye Peacemakers

This morning we were reading in the scriptures about the time that Christ was teaching the beattitudes to the Nephites in America. We learned about turning the other cheek and loving our enemies. Later on Cameron was caught picking on his sister. Ashley reported that Cameron was hurting her. Which is when he quickly came to his own defense to announce that she hurt him first. Rich asked, "Didn't you turn the other cheek, like Jesus taught us?" and Cameron responded..."she didn't hit my cheek!" That is funny enough, but it doesn't stop there. A few minutes later Rich saw Cameron was lightly slapping at Ashley's cheek and as she stared at him with confusion he told her to turn her other cheek. Sometimes we wonder....what are they learning?!


Brittani Terry said...

that is hilarious??? Hey, I heard you are going on a cruise?? FUN!!!

Horsley News said...

That was so funny. What cute kids you have. Have fun on your cruise next week. Wish we were going with you.
