Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Can you say.....BRRRRR!

It has been really cold here. I am talking sub-zero kind of cold. On Sunday morning, Grandpa Cox reported that the farm has a low of -19 degrees. The pipes to the bathtub in the kids bathroom have frozen so we can't get much water in or out. We've had troubles with the garage door getting stuck too. This kind of weather is tough on everything.

On Sunday, we were able to help out a stranger. A woman by the name of Diane Goodwin from Royal Tyrell, Alberta, Canada was passing through Manti. She was having battery problems with her giant motor home and needed a place to stay and plug it in to get recharged. We offered our driveway. We had her in for dinner and again that night for dessert. It was a really interesting dinner conversation. We learned all about her adventures as she drove all over the western USA visiting various LDS temples. She had run into several problems even before reaching us. She was neat lady and the kids loved getting to know her better. She was an older widow that was traveling alone. I couldn't believe she was driving such a large vehicle all by herself!! It turned out that her batteries got so cold that they froze and she couldn't stay with us as long as she had planned because she said "it's like defrosting a turkey in the refrigerator!" She ended up leaving the next morning to go to St. George, or even Las Vegas, in search of warmer temperatures. She left behind her copy of Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian because she wanted the family to remember her. I don't think you forget somebody like her very easily!!

1 comment:

Cox Clan said...

Sounds like an interesting lady. It is fun to meet new people and learn about there lives. I know what you mean about cold. It had been very cold here too. It is warmer today, but weather men say that the dreaded inversion is coming and I am not looking forward to it. We go to St. George over Pres. Day weekend. I am looking forward to it.