Friday, January 23, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

I was able to time warp for a few days this week. We left the cold winter weather to enjoy of few days of spring weather while escaping to Las Vegas! As you know, this weekend is the Miss America Pageant. Rich and I went to see one of the preliminary competitions to support our good friend, Kayla Barclay- Miss Utah!

Kayla plays the piano for her talent. That night she blew our socks off! She was in my top three for talent which included Miss Georgia and Miss Arizona. I was surprised to find that not all the contestants at that level had a great deal of talent. There were some lovely dresses and some not so lovely dresses. At one point, Rich leaned over to me and said he understood why they had the preliminaries!!

The kids stayed behind in Manti with several different friends while spending the night at Grandma Cox's. (I secretly think that they had just as much fun being with her as I did being alone with Rich!!) Just getting away together was worth any trouble we had in negotiating time off for Rich and making arrangements for the kids. We knew that going to Miss America to watch somebody that we actually knew was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus we knew that with the baby coming soon, our chances of getting away together would disappear, at least for awhile!

We had a great time. We thoroughly enjoyed our new found freedom. The kids were pretty happy to see some of our souveniors....especially the few from the M&M factory!

1 comment:

Cox Clan said...

I am so glad you got to go. What a once in a life time chance.