Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Harvest

We decided to grow a garden this year. Rich borrowed the tractor from the farm and tilled a nice sized garden in the backyard. We decided to keep things simple so we only planted peas, carrots, lettuce, green beans, corn, and pumpkins. We’re still learning so there are a lot of improvements that we’ll be able to make next year, but it’s better than the non-existent garden we had the year before!!! We planted the peas late so we didn’t get as much as we would’ve liked.
The corn was a big hit. The kids enjoyed eating it fresh from the garden especially Cameron who would eat it raw straight out of the husk. It was fun to have Spencer help plant the seeds and even funnier to watch the crooked rows sprout. The biggest threat to the garden this year was the grasshoppers. They were so thick that whenever we walked toward the garden to turn on the water we could hear them jumping away by the hundreds. They ate all the carrot greens so we had a hard time finding them when the time came and they ate a lot of the blossoms for the green beans so that harvest was really low. But, I was able to bottle what green beans we did get!

The pumpkins seem to be doing well. We look forward to carving them at Halloween!!

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